Help us build our community by being a sponsor
Code Bootcamp could not operate without our sponsors — Thank You Sponsors!
Our sponsors are also our customers. We are here to serve them with the correct curriculum and well-rounded graduates. We spent months talking with businesses about the skills that they are looking for in new candidates, and what is lacking in today’s applicants.
Being a Code Bootcamp sponsor has some great benefits, including a private job fair and an opportunity to interview each of our students before graduation. That alone exceeds the value of the $2,000 sponsorship fee, but there are so many other indirect benefits that our sponsors receive by supporting the first Code Bootcamp session – let’s cover a few reasons why you should consider being a sponsor:
Reason One: Being a sponsor means that you are part of the Code Bootcamp experience and community. While everyone in the community is welcome to attend our social events, sponsors get to come hang out with our students during lessons and guest speakers as well. Sponsors are offered an open-door pass to join us throughout the experience to just participate and learn with our students.
Reason Two: What is good for one business, is good for all businesses. You may only be hiring one student today but your support will help solidify Code Bootcamp’s future sessions. As your business grows and expands, knowing that we can offer classes year round to pump out high-quality graduates means that we will also be there for you in your future needs.
Reason Three: We are operating in downtown Sioux Falls because of our vibrant community, and you are part of that community. Help us bring a dozen students downtown every day to learn, socialize, and live among our other great businesses.
Reason Four: Our students need sponsors’ projects to work on during their Code Bootcamp experience, and you are providing those projects. Every student will work on two to four projects during our eight week course, allowing you as a sponsor to see them in action while interacting with them through the process — think of it as a trial run for what you can expect from our students.
Join Our Sponsor List
So you are not a sponsor yet? No problem, we had a limited number of sponsorship for our first session, which are currently filled. We are offering a 10% discount to those who pre-sponsor our next session of Code Bootcamp, so contact us today to sign up. In addition to the discount, we are offering special “meet our students” meetups for all future sponsors throughout the course.
We are taking applications today — Apply online, no commitment.
Code Bootcamp is sponsored by:
I would love to hear from you about Code Bootcamp or see you attend our first session in May 2015. Please send me a Tweet at @wbushee, or drop me an email. After all, shouldn’t we all keep learning?
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