Kids Learn to Build Video Games On-line

Gaming Bootcamp Video Course

Kids love video games, just ask them. But, what if they could build their own video games? Could you help them success with at that goal? Probably not, but that’s fine because I have a complete video course developed just for this purpose.

During the summer of 2016, our Gaming Bootcamp taught 133 kids how to build video games. Their ages ranged from 7 to 17 and most of them had no prior experience building games. Read more

Gaming Bootcamp is Expanding into South Dakota’s Indian Reservations

We will be teaching kids around South Dakota how to build video games with the help of AT&T

Code Bootcamp, Sioux Falls Diversity Council, and AT&T team up to teach STEM education on South Dakota’s Indian reservations through building video games, and we are so excited.

The Sioux Falls Diversity Council has received an $11,000 contribution from AT&T that will target STEM education for Native American grade school students in South Dakota. The grant will support our Code Bootcamp of Sioux Falls program to teach programming skills to students on various South Dakota’s Indian reservations.

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