Code Bootcamp has signed a lease for our training center and office — now we are completely legit!
Our training center is located in the Rock Island Building at 300 North Phillips Avenue. This is where Click Rain, Better Business Bureau, Verizon and Co-Op Architecture are also located. If you need even more references, we are directly across the street from the Orpheum theater in beautiful downtown Sioux Falls.
We were able to negotiate an awesome lease with the building’s owners which will give us a permanent home for at least 2 years. This space will allow us to comfortably host our inaugural Code Bootcamp this May plus to many other training events throughout the year, like the ones we did with Falls Foundry.
What do we have in the works today for other training events you ask? You’ll have to stay tuned to find out by following us on Twitter, Facebook or joining our mailing list.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll get the office painted, finish the trim and get furniture before we host an open-house for everyone to take a look.
Are you ready to start a new career as a developer?
The entire eight week costs only $3,997 and is limited to 15 students. Applications deadline is May 1st, 2015 with classes starting May 26th, don’t wait until it is too late to apply. (This is our inaugural course cost and it will never be this low again, so sign up today!)
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