Code Bootcamp Signs a Lease

Code Bootcamp has signed a lease for our training center and office — now we are completely legit!

Our training center is located in the Rock Island Building at 300 North Phillips Avenue. This is where Click Rain, Better Business Bureau, Verizon and Co-Op Architecture are also located. If you need even more references, we are directly across the street from the Orpheum theater in beautiful downtown Sioux Falls.

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Weekly Off-Site Meetings

Connecting one-on-one with your staff

Since February 2014 I have been attending the Sioux Falls, South Dakota 1 Million Cups weekly event with a coworker. Each week I take one of my coworkers with me, we attend the event, network for a few minutes afterwards, and then head over to a coffee shop to talk work strategy. Each week I take a different colleague.

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Create a Professional Web Site in Minutes


Building a one-page event site for a non-profit

I’m a board member of a local non-profit called Health Connect of South Dakota. Like most non-profits, we have a few fundraisers throughout the year with one big fundraiser where we put most of our effort. That event is the Health & Safety Festival held in the fall, October 11th to be exact (formerly called The Family Fun Festival.) In previous years, we did not have an event Web site, but instead promoted through traditional means like fliers, billboards, radio, and print, plus Facebook of course.

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Habits of Wealth – Book

A Book by One of Sioux Falls’ Great Entrepreneurs

A few weeks ago I was invited to attend the 2014 Governor’s Invitational Golf Event in Sioux Falls. I have attended similar events in the past and one of the “ambassadors” I was paired with was Bill Byrne. Everyone starts with the standard “what do you do” conversation, and Bill was extremely modest about his past, far more interested in what others do. Bill mentioned that he wrote a book many years ago which became very popular, but really downplayed it as just a milestone in his career. He wasn’t being coy, but rather a great listener and leader, as I would find out later. Read more