Bootcamp Underway

Code Bootcamp launched on May 26th with 9 students! We have been working hard, touring local technology businesses and starting our work projects. In the coming weeks we will be profiling each of our students, so keep an eye out for those. A quick insight into our students include three who have moved to Sioux Falls from out of state, three women and one high-school student!

bootcampCollageOver the last four weeks, we have:

  • Toured all of our sponsor’s offices and met with their owners and developers — ClickRain, DataSync and Blend Interactive.
  • Hosted a mentor meet-and-greet event, held a mentor lunch, and conducted a number of working sessions.
  • Had many mentors have stopped in and guest spoke about various topics.
  • Toured the Bakery and networked at many of their events.
  • Attended three 1MC events (Josh is presenting on July 1st, so stop in and meet the students that day).
  • Hosted a joint pizza party / fundraiser for Health Connect of South Dakota with the BrightPlanet team.
  • Held an open-house to show off out space and students.
  • Start four community website projects.
  • Oh yea, and we covered a ton of web development skills — HTML, LAMP Stack, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and a ton of basics.

Are you interested in attending a future Code Bootcamp in Sioux Falls or know someone who might be interested? We would love to have you stop in and experience it in action as our guest. Just send us a message (or tweet us) and we’ll have you come in for a visit.

We are working on the details for our 2nd bootcamp right now. It will take place this fall and will have a split schedule (not every day Monday through Friday), which we think will help those who have a day job but cannot quite (just yet anyway.)

Code Bootcamp is sponsored by:

blend interactive
Click Rain