Gaming Bootcamp hosts camps that teach kids to write code, by targeting what they love — video games.
Our schools do not do enough to teach kids about technology, so we took up the challenge a few years ago. Over the last three summers, we have hosted over 25 events for kids, and hundreds of kids join us. This summer, we plan on doing even more, but we cannot do it with your support. Please help spread the word about our Gaming Bootcamps.
Each year, we have sold out all of our camps, so make sure you register soon.
6/4 – 6/8 at Raven
6/11 – 6/15 at Docutap
6/18 – 6/22 at Raven
We had a great time last year, here is a video of some of our camps. Early tickets are available until April 1, 2018.
All of the details can are available on our event page at http://events.sdgamingbootcamp.com