Gaming Bootcamp

Today we are announcing that Code Bootcamp will be hosting a Gaming Bootcamp this summer!

Shortly after we started talking about Code Bootcamp, we got asked by a number of people about doing a bootcamp geared towards middle school and high school ages, which it is not. That got us thinking, if we did a bootcamp for middle school kids, what we would teach? Building video games! Read more

Code Bootcamp Signs a Lease

Code Bootcamp has signed a lease for our training center and office — now we are completely legit!

Our training center is located in the Rock Island Building at 300 North Phillips Avenue. This is where Click Rain, Better Business Bureau, Verizon and Co-Op Architecture are also located. If you need even more references, we are directly across the street from the Orpheum theater in beautiful downtown Sioux Falls.

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Help us build our community by being a sponsor

Code Bootcamp could not operate without our sponsors — Thank You Sponsors!

Our sponsors are also our customers. We are here to serve them with the correct curriculum and well-rounded graduates. We spent months talking with businesses about the skills that they are looking for in new candidates, and what is lacking in today’s applicants.

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Mentorship For Developers

Building a strong foundation for new developers

When Josh Stroschein and I first started our discussions around launching Code Bootcamp, we both felt very passionate that every student needs to be paired with a senior developer as a mentor. Why did we both feel so strongly about this? One simple reason: it is hard getting started out as an entry level developer! And why doesn’t everyone, regardless of their career, have a mentor to help build their craft? We can fix that for our students, so we made it part of our core goals for Code Bootcamp.

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