Supporting Sioux Falls’ Startup Scene

Planning for Paul Singh’s Sioux Falls tour is coming together well. A number of businesses have stepped up to sponsor the Results Junkies Road Tour including Zeal, The Bakery, Sanford Health, Meta Bank, Sioux Falls Startup Week, Throne Publishing, MarketBeat, Co-Op Architecture, Code Bootcamp, and BrightPlanet. Thank you all!

These sponsors know the true value of having a tour like the Results Junkies Road Tour spend a week in Sioux Falls. Our community is ripe for entrepreneurial growth and having a national spotlight on what we have to offer is the exact energy that we need to kickstart our growth.

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A Major Investor, Entrepreneur, and Speaker is Coming to Sioux Falls

So last fall I made an outreach to Paul Singh and asked him to bring his Airstream and Results Junkies Road Tour to Sioux Falls — and he agreed. The cost to bring Paul’s Road Tour here is $5,000, and I was confident enough that I could find sponsors to cover that cost that I personally put up the money. I am passionate about our community and honored to having Paul come. Read more

Code Bootcamp accepting applications for 2017 class

Are you ready for a career change? Code Bootcamp of South Dakota is accepting student applications.

During our first eighteen months of operation, Code Bootcamp has trained fifteen entry-level web developers for our region through three boot camps. Of those fifteen students, almost half have been women, three moved from other states to attend, one was a high school student, three are now pursuing additional higher education, and all are self-employed or working in their field. Businesses that have hired our graduates include Sterling E-Marketing, Power Drive Holdings, Meta Payment Systems, VVI, and Midcontinent.

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