Properly Preparing Our Girls for the Future

On October 15, 2016 Embe co-hosted the first ever Girl’s Maker Day geared towards building confidence in making and getting girls excited about fields where women are traditionally under-represented. The fair included all hands-on activities including video game programming, chemistry, design thinking, 3D printing, and more.

This summer we hosted nine Gaming Bootcamps around our region that included 133 kids. Out of all of those kids, most of them were boys, which just breaks my heart. We struggled to get six girls to attend our camp that we co-hosted with the Girl Scouts. Read more

Can you help me out with something important? It will only take a minute.

Wired For Coding is looking pretty bare without any Amazon reviews

My book Wired For Coding launched a few weeks ago with over 150 downloads from Amazon during the initial promotion. However, the book’s Amazon page looks pretty bare without any reviews. Would you take a minute and write a quick review? This link will take you there. Read more

Free lunch today at Wired For Coding book launch, no strings attached

My Wired For Coding launch party is today at Zeal, join me!

Today is the official launch day (September 8, 2016) for Wired For Coding! I am so excited, I could barely sleep last night (although that is a common occurrence).

I hope you can join me today at Zeal for the official launch party at noon. Lunch will be provided and several of you will get a free copy of my book.

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The reasons I wrote Wired For Coding

Why write a book? That is a great question.

My plan goes far beyond just publishing the Wired For Coding book. Over the next six months, I will travel around our region and talk to every Computer Science student about what they need to do to launch their career after graduation.

This college book tour will be funded through corporate sponsors which will give a softcover copy of my book to every student. Besides the book, I will also share my knowledge through a 30-minute presentation.

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