Create a Professional Web Site in Minutes


Building a one-page event site for a non-profit

I’m a board member of a local non-profit called Health Connect of South Dakota. Like most non-profits, we have a few fundraisers throughout the year with one big fundraiser where we put most of our effort. That event is the Health & Safety Festival held in the fall, October 11th to be exact (formerly called The Family Fun Festival.) In previous years, we did not have an event Web site, but instead promoted through traditional means like fliers, billboards, radio, and print, plus Facebook of course.

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Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook – Book

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

Demystifying Facebook wall posts

I recently set a goal to read at least three non-fiction books each month – but more about that later. One of the books I read this month was Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk. I saw Gary present at Big Omaha, listen to him on podcasts, read his blog and follow him on Twitter, so I feel like I know what Gary is all about.

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The Radios of Today – Podcasts

Continued Education Through Audio

Recently I got hooked on listening to podcasts. The last time I listened to one, the quality and selection were very poor, only techies could produce them, and it simply wasn’t that interesting. How quickly times change as the technology improves – Stitcher currently contains over 25k radio shows, live radio stations and podcasts.

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