Code Bootcamp accepting applications for 2017 class

Are you ready for a career change? Code Bootcamp of South Dakota is accepting student applications.

During our first eighteen months of operation, Code Bootcamp has trained fifteen entry-level web developers for our region through three boot camps. Of those fifteen students, almost half have been women, three moved from other states to attend, one was a high school student, three are now pursuing additional higher education, and all are self-employed or working in their field. Businesses that have hired our graduates include Sterling E-Marketing, Power Drive Holdings, Meta Payment Systems, VVI, and Midcontinent.

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Social Media doesn’t give a F**K about you

Social Media has become useless again

Little changes over time. Businesses try to sell. Consumers try to ignore them. Platforms are created to bridge the gap. Marketing firms get creative. Platforms constantly change the rules. We all loose.

Social Media Platforms, Organized from Least Useful to Complete Waste of Time Read more

Properly Preparing Our Girls for the Future

On October 15, 2016 Embe co-hosted the first ever Girl’s Maker Day geared towards building confidence in making and getting girls excited about fields where women are traditionally under-represented. The fair included all hands-on activities including video game programming, chemistry, design thinking, 3D printing, and more.

This summer we hosted nine Gaming Bootcamps around our region that included 133 kids. Out of all of those kids, most of them were boys, which just breaks my heart. We struggled to get six girls to attend our camp that we co-hosted with the Girl Scouts. Read more