Free Girls Breaker Day Event

After a girls maker day event last fall, I had an idea of hosting a girls un-maker day event — I called it Girls Breaker Day. It’s just as it sounds; we’re going to invite girls to bring their broken electronics and then take them apart to see what makes them tick. In addition to their items, we are going to have a hundred old computers and miscellaneous items that they can disassemble down to the raw parts and then build something creative with the parts. Read more

Kids should build video games instead of just playing video games

Gaming Bootcamp hosts camps that teach kids to write code

Our schools do not do enough to teach kids about technology so we took up the challenge a few years ago. Last year we hosted nine events for kids and had over 130 kids join us. This summer, we plan on doing even more but we cannot do it with your support. Please help spread the word about our camps. Read more

What to expect during Paul Singh’s Results Junkies Tour

The Results Junkies Road Tour is going to be here in three weeks! Some people have been asking me what to expect during the tour.

Paul and his team are going to be in Sioux Falls the entire week, but that doesn’t mean that you need to take 5-days off work and attend every single event. Instead, we are going to be planning different events for different groups throughout the week, and you should pick the ones that are in alignment with your interests. Read more

Supporting Sioux Falls’ Startup Scene

Planning for Paul Singh’s Sioux Falls tour is coming together well. A number of businesses have stepped up to sponsor the Results Junkies Road Tour including Zeal, The Bakery, Sanford Health, Meta Bank, Sioux Falls Startup Week, Throne Publishing, MarketBeat, Co-Op Architecture, Code Bootcamp, and BrightPlanet. Thank you all!

These sponsors know the true value of having a tour like the Results Junkies Road Tour spend a week in Sioux Falls. Our community is ripe for entrepreneurial growth and having a national spotlight on what we have to offer is the exact energy that we need to kickstart our growth.

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