Kids should build video games instead of just playing video games

Gaming Bootcamp hosts camps that teach kids to write code

Our schools do not do enough to teach kids about technology so we took up the challenge a few years ago. Last year we hosted nine events for kids and had over 130 kids join us. This summer, we plan on doing even more but we cannot do it with your support. Please help spread the word about our camps.

Half of our Sioux Falls camps are already sold out. We have been waiting for you to sign up your kids before it is too late.

Sign Up Your Kids Today ($299.99)

In addition to our Sioux Falls events, we are also hosting camps in Brookings, Pierre, Madison, Wagner, and Yankton. A few other locations are also being organized on Native American reservations through a grant from AT&T.

Here’s a video about our video gaming boot camp.


Sign Up Your Kids Today ($299.99)